Instructions for Twistory 1.2


     TwistTyper is a utility you can use to change the file creator of .ttt files. This is to allow you the convenience of having the Finder open either Twistory or SimpleText, as you decide, when you double-click on a .ttt file. Here is TwistTyper's icon:

"TwistTyper" is actually a bit of a misnomer, since it does not change the file type, as an autotyper does. It changes the file creator. (But TwistCreator sounds too corny.)

Why use TwistTyper?

     Why use it? If you are editing .ttt files, or frequently adding to them, you want a text editor to launch when you open the document in the Finder. When you are done editing, or if it is a file you seldom edit such as an index.ttt file, you want the Finder to open Twistory instead. The solution is to be able to change the application that the Finder associates with a document, called its "creator."

How to use it

     To change the creator, drag one or more files onto the TwistTyper icon. If the file is not a text file (one whose file type is 'TEXT'), TwistTyper does nothing. If its creator is anything other than the default for a text file, 'ttxt', it changes it to that. (And the default application for a 'ttxt' creator is SimpleText.) If the creator is 'ttxt', it gets changed to 'TWST', i.e. Twistory. This combination of type and creator has a special icon, shown below:

When you open this kind of document in the Finder, Twistory is launched, and is asked to open the document. This has the same effect as opening the file with the "Open..." command in Twistory's "File" menu.